Leadership Models: Finding What Works for Your Team’s Success

Leader contemplating leadership models.

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If you’re finding that your leadership style isn’t quite getting the respect or results you want, it might be time to rethink your approach. Let’s be clear — there’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to leadership. Leadership models aren’t about choosing a trend or simply picking the latest buzzword. The right model has to fit your organization’s culture, values, and goals. Get that right, and you’ve got a real game-changer.

What Leadership Models Drive Innovation and Team Success?

When you look at high-performing teams, it’s not just about what they do; it’s about how they’re led. One leadership model that’s been gaining traction is structured agility, a term coined by Sidharth Ramsinghaney, Director of Corporate Strategy at Twilio and McKinsey and Company alum. Ramsinghaney explains that this model strikes the right balance between accountability and flexible execution:

“What I’ve consistently seen work across both high-growth tech companies and Fortune 500 transformations is what I call ‘structured agility.’ It’s a leadership framework that combines rigid accountability with flexible execution. The magic happens when you give teams clear success metrics but empower them to chart their own path to those goals.”

So, why does this model work so well? It gives teams the freedom to innovate while still ensuring they meet the organization’s goals. The trick is providing clear expectations and letting teams figure out how to get there.

How to Choose a Leadership Model That Fits Your Organization

Choosing a leadership model isn’t about jumping on the latest bandwagon. As Ramsinghaney points out, successful implementation requires analyzing three critical dimensions: current leadership effectiveness, your desired future state, and your organization’s readiness for change.

“Many organizations make the mistake of treating leadership models as one-size-fits-all solutions. Through my work in turnarounds, I’ve learned that successful implementation requires analyzing three critical dimensions: your current leadership effectiveness, your desired future state, and your organization’s readiness for change.”

Think of it like selecting a golf club. You don’t just grab the first one off the rack. You need to assess where you’re starting from, where you want to end up, and whether your team is ready for the change. That’s the first step toward finding the right leadership model for your organization.

Supporting Leaders in Adapting and Evolving Their Approach

Leadership models can’t be static. Ramsinghaney stresses that leadership development isn’t just something HR does; it’s a strategic imperative that requires constant evolution:

“Leadership development isn’t a HR program – it’s a strategic imperative with measurable ROI. In my transformation work, the organizations that succeed treat leadership evolution as seriously as they treat product development or market expansion.”

Organizations that succeed in leadership development treat it with the same priority as product innovation. Leadership isn’t a one-off thing; it needs to evolve over time, just like a company’s product. This means giving leaders the space to experiment, fail, and learn. And don’t forget — measuring the results is key to understanding the effectiveness of those efforts.

Don’t Forget About Middle Management

You might have a solid top-down leadership model in place, but what about the middle management layer? This is where many companies trip up. Ramsinghaney shares that the most overlooked part of leadership transformation is middle management:

“The most overlooked piece in leadership transformation is middle management. Through dozens of organizational transformations, I’ve observed that even the best leadership models fail without strong middle management buy-in and capability building.”

Middle managers are the ones who translate high-level strategy into daily action. Without them, even the most well-thought-out leadership model can fall flat. Training and empowering middle managers isn’t just nice to have — it’s a must for ensuring leadership strategies work.

Measuring Leadership Effectiveness

Here’s the bottom line: leadership is about adaptability and speed. The true measure of leadership success today isn’t just about business outcomes. It’s about how quickly your team can adjust to changes in the market. Ramsinghaney emphasizes this point when he says:

“In today’s dynamic business environment, the true measure of leadership effectiveness isn’t just business outcomes – it’s the speed at which teams can learn and adapt. The best leadership models I’ve implemented create feedback loops that allow organizations to sense and respond to changes faster than their competitors.”

In a world where everything is moving at breakneck speed, being able to adapt quickly is key to staying ahead of the competition. A successful leadership model isn’t just about setting a vision — it’s about making sure your team can change course as needed to keep up.

Leader contemplating leadership models.


The right leadership model is all about aligning with your team’s needs and the company’s vision. Effective leadership models — like structured agility — combine flexibility with accountability, allowing teams to innovate while still hitting their targets. As Ramsinghaney says, leadership is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s about finding what works for your team and making sure it evolves over time. Focus on middle management, encourage experimentation, and be ready to adapt quickly. That’s how your leadership model will make a real difference.

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